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Veritas Homeopathy 13.01.2021

! ' ! I want to start out by wishing that 2021 brings many blessings for you! I took a much-needed reset, both in my personal life and for Homeopathy. I just realized that I didn't share that with you ahead of time, so for that, I am sorry. ... I am so grateful for ALL of you and appreciate your love and support! I hope that we continue to be there for each other in these unprecedented times! Just reach out if you need support! We really are all in this together! I have many exciting things happening for you in 2021! One of them is more access to me by switching my page to a personal one. It is in progress for content and posts so I ask that you are patient with me! I invite you to friend request me at the link below! I'm so excited to kick off 2021 by doing something BIG for you launching on Sunday, January 17th, but it will be posted on the new Facebook page. So head on over and I look forward to seeing you there! Send me a friend request https://www.facebook.com/martina.mcevoy.92

Veritas Homeopathy 09.01.2021

My alarm went off this morning!! I woke up to realise I was in pain. It was my back. I had shoveled snow last night after the storm we had. I don't own a snow blower so I shovel my snow out. I'm usually very careful when I lift but this morning if I moved I was in pain. I tried lying still, I tried sitting: everything hurt. I couldn't move much at all. It was most intense in my lower back but I felt like it had infused my whole being.... I wanted it to get better straight away. There is something about back pain that makes you desperate to find a solution right there and then. I had homeopathy on hand and in acute situations like this it helped so much that within 15 minutes after applying my pain had lessened so much that I had forgotten about it soon after. Chronic back pain would need a homeopathic consultation to see what remedy best suits your pain pattern. Back pain sucks big time, it affects you mentally and physically but it doesn't have to be this way! Reach out if you have chronic back pain and want relief from pain and from worrying about the pain. We can have a chat to see how homeopathy can help get your life back! In the meantime, take care and stay safe! Sending Irish Love

Veritas Homeopathy 03.01.2021

ANNOUNCEMENT!!! I will be offering a new menopausal relief program called "RECLAIM YOUR COOL IN 90 DAYS" Drop your top symptom below you wish to see disappear!

Veritas Homeopathy 20.12.2020

' ? This is a question I get asked all the time! Naturopathy basically refers to any method of treatment that depends on lifestyle and diet modifications to tackle a particular disease or disorder. Naturopaths study a variety of alternative healing methods, including homeopathy, but receive what amounts to a basic training in these modalities. ... Homeopaths specialize in homeopathic medicine, which is a complete medical system in its own right. They are SPECIALISTS homeopathic medicine. Just as a GP is your family doctor but will refer you to a specialist, such as a gastroenterologist for gastrointestinal issues or cardiac surgeon for heart issues. A homeopath is highly trained and specializes in homeopathic medicine. A Homeopath will prescribe a similar medicine to treat the root of the disease and ultimately cure the ailment naturally from within outward. Both Homeopathy and Naturopathy are regulated health professions. Sending Irish Love

Veritas Homeopathy 04.12.2020

Why does the first consultation take so long? I get this question a lot. It's easy to give the short version (physical, mental, emotional symptoms, all are taken into consideration which takes time to go through with you) which most people are happy with this explanation. On average the initial consultation takes about 1.5 hours. I also find that a lot want to know more! ...Continue reading

Veritas Homeopathy 08.11.2020

Taken from the prestigious PubMed Central (PMC). It is a full-text archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature at the U.S. National Institutes of Health's National Library of Medicine (NIH/NLM).

Veritas Homeopathy 20.10.2020

! Sometimes to really heal, we have to dig deep, go to the dark side and it's not until we come through on the other side that we realize we have been healed. I can say, that as a homeopath, I always want my patients to leave feeling better than when they came in. Through homeopathic medicine I want to alleviate people's suffering. On your journey, you may not recognize the possible benefits of feeling worse. This is how it happens... though sometimes - a healing can seem like you're going backwards. Healing isn't linear, it's messy, you'll question , you'll worry about why this or that symptom isn't getting better, why you can't get let go of past hurts, traumas or why old issues pop up just when you think you're making progress, What if you could just say, "this is not what I would have thought would happen, but lets just see where this goes". Or, "maybe this is happening for a reason". And by not getting into major reactive modes, we spare our bodies and minds an incredible amount of stress. Healing isn't just about our bodies, we also heal our spirits and our minds, they're all interconnected. Approaching healing from this perspective, once things settle out, you might be surprised at the outcomes, for both you and for the situation as a whole. In homeopathy, you are treated for you. It is truly holistic and powerful! So I want to know, what's your healing experience?

Veritas Homeopathy 09.10.2020

I laughed so hard when I saw this because it's so true! People have no idea what they're missing out on!!

Veritas Homeopathy 22.09.2020

Make Commitments, Not resolutions to your health. You gotta COMMIT!!. Commitment involves taking action and staying the course. It's not going to be easy. That's where I can help you. ... Maybe you're missing some key pieces that can take you to the next level. It can doing be something simple... it can begin by asking what are your health goals? Noting what changes are happening in your body. Asking yourself what makes it worse or better. How is your diet affecting your health. What can you do right now to get on the path, a new morning routine perhaps? Getting more sleep?. Don't overthink it. Keep it simple. It starts with YOU!! I can help you connect the dots... LET'S DO THIS! Together. What are you struggling with with ?

Veritas Homeopathy 06.09.2020

"What is more devastating than a cancer diagnosis? For me, it was the possibility of being left with side effects that would change what was left of the rest of my life in the worst way. To understand what I mean you must first know that I am a very active person. ...Continue reading

Veritas Homeopathy 01.09.2020

' !! ! I remember when I was pregnant with my 2nd daughter and I was visiting family in Ireland. I had to travel to the UK and the way I chose (regrettably) was by ferry and take the bus from Wales to London. I was so sick and dizzy, all I could do was lie on the floor and I couldn't stop throwing up. The captain of the ferry was so kind as to allow me to stay in a cabin on the ferry which helped to lie down on something more comforta...ble than the floor. The journey from Wales to London was by bus, but the nausea and dizziness continued though not as bad. I wasn't a student of homeopathy at that time yet. Oh how helpful that would have been!!. Here are some to try: Use 30ch, 3-5 pellets as needed and as always stop when there is improvement. is a good remedy to try if person is quiet and especially if there is drooling and she seems lethargic when getting out of the car. : nausea may be accompanied by a cold sweat, yellow or yellow-green vomit, and a headache that feels like a tight band pulled around the head. The person may feel better when exposed to cold, fresh air or when closing their eyes. is frequently prescribed for seasickness. It's often used for severe nausea and dizziness that worsens with standing up. is thought to soothe fear of downward motion, such as when an airplane begins to descend before landing. is worse for smells of petrol. There is persistent nausea accompanied by an empty feeling in the stomach. Dizziness when they get up. Eating helps them feel better. is one with much vomiting but vomiting doesn't bring relief. For long car trips is also great to use to combat fatigue and doing too much. ! Here are 5 simple tips you can use to help reduce motion sickness whether by land, air or sea: Stare at a fixed point in the distance. If you are travelling by car, look out the window and stare at the horizon. I find reading or watching a movie only makes matters worse, so maybe stay away from those types of activities. Take frequent breaks during which you can be active like taking a short walk. Keep hydrated, water preferably, juice and sugary drinks may upset stomach. Eat something light before you travel. If possible, open the window to breathe in fresh air. Your trips don't have to be ruined by motion sickness, make a kit of these remedies to take with you! Got any questions about homeopathy? Just ask! Comment below or PM me.

Veritas Homeopathy 28.08.2020

" "! I am proud to be a woman based business owner because I am in a better position to elevate my daughters and women around me. Because of my daughters that are growing up to be kick ass women.... To inspire women that they, too, can be a positive driver for change. We can strengthen our voices as individuals and as a community together. Women can be the change!! ! . !

Veritas Homeopathy 29.07.2020

! , ? If so, they might have what is known as " "even though it is not the growth is the cause of the pain. The pain is in the muscle not the joints.... They usually occur between the ages of 3-5 and then again between the ages of 8-12 and the pain tends to be worse after a day of activity and exercise and can be bad enough to wake a child up. Homeopathy is very successful at treating "growing pains". Any questions?? Feel free to PM me.

Veritas Homeopathy 27.07.2020

, !! Reposting ~TOP 6 REMEDIES FOR ALLERGIES as so many people are suffering from seasonal allergies right now. Sneezing, runny nose, and a sore throat are just some of the symptoms of seasonal allergies. ... Allergy symptoms are NOT to be confused with COVID-19 symptoms. Who on here suffers from seasonal allergies?? Got questions? Feel free to message me or ask below! .

Veritas Homeopathy 10.07.2020

MOZZIE SEASON IS HERE !! I don't know about you, but I'm getting MUNCHED on by mosquitoes!

Veritas Homeopathy 29.06.2020

Do I need referral to see Homeopath? No, You do not need referral from family physician. You can call us or send a PM to book an appointment. Free consultations available.

Veritas Homeopathy 11.06.2020

, ( 5) You can take additional steps to help control these symptoms by making some lifestyle changes.... Wear clothing in layers that are natural fibres such as cotton. Avoid hot drinks (such as coffee or black tea) Keep the room temperature low, if you can control it. Keep track of how often hot flashes occur, how bad they are and the time they occur. Also note what is happening before the hot flashes. You may be able to identify triggers and control the hot flashes in the future. This is also very helpful for your homeopath to help you in selecting a remedy that matches you. Exercise, to reduce stress, improve sleep and help prevent weight gain. Use an over-the-counter, water-based vaginal moisturizer if needed. Also mention this to your homeopath as a well selected remedy can also help with this. Eat Right Taking foods rich in the essential vitamins and minerals is crucial, as these help to maintain health, wellbeing, and provide immune system support. Consider what I like to call "menopausal superfoods" Foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids can reduce hot flushes. Think oily fish. Fruits and dark green leafy veg these contain phytoestrogens Soy foods can help with vaginal dryness, mood swings and hot flushes. Nuts and seeds can reduce night sweats and hot flushes Beans can improve energy, alleviate fatigue and increase libido. Salt consider your consumption . Make sure you're not taking too much as you can retain water and affect your blood pressure. Water drink plenty of water to ensure you are hydrated. Meditate or Yoga: can calm the mind as well as strengthening, toning and assisting in a balanced flow of energy. Keep a regular schedule of going to bed and getting up. Note any changes or sleep patterns, dreams a-zfor your homeopath. Try natural sleep-inducing homeopathic remedies selected for you by your homeopath. Consider talk therapy or life coaching as an adjunct to treatment. The thing about homeopathic medicine is that it will interfere with medications that you are currently taking and homeopathy has side effects!! I have only 3 left open for the month of August! , ' , ' !! !! !

Veritas Homeopathy 29.05.2020

, !! (Part 4) Homeopathic treatment for chemopause is in treating both emotional and physical complaints. Correctly chosen and prescribed Homeopathic remedy will make your pathway !.... Since each woman experience and perceives her chemopause differently, homeopathy's individualistic treatment is most suitable for them. Homeopathic treatment is constitutional, meaning customised to each person and so it stands out. Homeopathy creates perfect harmony between your body and mind and will make your chemopause ! Homeopathy has a large group of medicines for those symptoms that every woman is scared of, especially those dreaded hot flashes and night sweats. Homeopathy is , and has -. While Homeopathy is holistic and constitutional it does not believe in suppression of symptoms or using a band aid approach. It believes in treating the person as a whole. You are not defined by your condition for example; you have chemopause and every woman experiences chemopause in her own way. You do not deserve a cookie cutter approach to your health. These qualities of Homeopathic medicines help in preventing the relapse of chemopause & provides long lasting relief. Homeopathy targets the underlying cause, eliminates it from the roots by acting on constitutional make up of patient, utilizing a remedy especially selected for them. Homeopathy takes into consideration the mental, emotional and physical aspects of the patient, it's not just the physical symptoms that are being addressed. Treatment is based on the whole picture, improving the overall health of the patient. Homeopathy has more than 100 treating chemopause! Imagine you have complete from chemopause! : : Exceptional remedy for dryness and heat of vagina in post chemopausal women who have aversion to water. Great for pain and heaviness in breasts. : Magnificent remedy for hot flushing with cessation of menstrual cycle and congestion to head. : Wonderful medicine for hot flushes and excessive sweating with perspiration around head. : late menses with tendency to constipation. Associated skin problems are also excellently dealt with this medicine. : Irregular periods with backache and migraines. Craving for salt. ’ ? That has a simple answer, too!! Stay tuned for tomorrow when I will share some lifestyle changes that can help in addition to how you can access homeopathy to help ease your symptoms and manage your life effectively!

Veritas Homeopathy 12.05.2020

! 3. Conventional medicine has it's own limitation in treatment of chemopausal problems. While hormone replacement therapy has shown to eliminate some symptoms of chemopause, the results of a 2002 Women’s Health Initiative study have thrown serious doubt on the wisdom of taking estrogen during and after menopause or in this case Chemopause. It showed that hormone replacement therapy does not protect against heart disease an c...an have serious harmful consequences. As a result, use of hormone replacement therapy has drastically declined since that time, and women have been eager to find alternative therapies for their chemopausal symptoms. : Still considered controversial due to the serious health risks and side effects, it is most widely used as a treatment option for chemopausal symptoms. It's manufactured hormones designed to replace body's natural hormone production to relieve symptoms. HRT is a system of manufactured hormones being taken to replace the body's natural production, which then relieves symptoms associated with the natural decrease. There is oestrogen only HRT or combined HRT, and it is recognised that oestrogen only can increase the risks of developing cancer of the womb. This is why it's combined with progesterone. : (Most of these are brought on by the medication itself). Bloating, general swelling of other areas, abdominal cramping,depression, vaginal bleeding, headaches, indigestion, migraine, mood swings, nausea, breast tenderness, induced acne, back pain. Heart disease Stroke Cancers Type 2 diabetes, Osteoporosis Muscle strength loss Dementia ?? - Many doctors will offer women anti-depressants for chemopause. This is an attempt to manage mood and emotional ups and downs associated with chemopause. Antidepressants however do nothing for the other affects of chemopause. Depression occurs as a result of low oestrogen levels. Anti-depressants cannot increase the levels of oestrogen, and effects will only be felt as long as the medication is being taken. It can take weeks before the effects take hold and can cause unpleasant side effects the same as the chemopausal symptoms the patient is already experiencing. The withdrawal of antidepressants can also be unpleasant with nausea, headaches, poor concentration and fatigue. ! So, tomorrow I'll be posting on a more 4 ! Gonna be great, so stay tuned. Don't forget to LIKE and SHARE!!

Veritas Homeopathy 07.05.2020

!... ' ( 2) Some women are lucky enough to sail through chemopause and bounce back while others really do suffer. Chemopause can result in lifelong infertility, or it can be temporary during treatment. Even if it is temporary, it may take several months for hormones to be regular again. Here's a list of common symptoms of chemopause: Hot flashes... Night sweats Irregular or no menstrual periods Insomnia Vaginal dryness, itching, irritation or discharge Loss of libido and interest in sex Painful intercourse Headache Depression and other emotional changes Weight gain Western medicine offers relief for just one or two symptoms by prescribing medication that can also come with unwanted side affects. It doesn't take into account, as homeopathic medicine does, all your symptoms, both physical and mental/ emotional that you may be experiencing. Make sure to check in tomorrow as we discuss conventional treatment options. Don't forget to LIKE and SHARE this important series!

Veritas Homeopathy 01.05.2020

!..' !! (Part 1) Chemopause or chemically induced menopause, often occurs for women when dealing with cancer treatments. If you’re a young woman under 40, you’re probably not thinking about menopause.... Women who have been diagnosed with cancer not only have to deal with the side effects of cancer treatment, but they may also have to deal with chemopause. It's a very realistic concern for those undergoing cancer treatment. Chemopause (premature menopause) is caused by various cancer treatments including chemotherapy, radiation therapy, the surgical removal of the ovaries and hormone therapy. The most common cause is chemotherapy and the damage can be irreversible. Stay tuned to find out more in this 5 part series that will be posted this week. Help make all women aware and share this series!

Veritas Homeopathy 02.04.2020

!! Alternate Root Organics Cancer treatment doesn't equal recovery! It's over yet !!... Perhaps you are struggling with long term side affects of cancer treatment, this may make you feel overwhelmed, anxious or uncertain as to what you can do next. You return to health, side affects of cancer treatment are permanent! I have 3 in private practice available in August for those who have completed cancer treatment and are suffering from the side affects of their cancer treatment such as , , , , , , . Here's some of what one patient had to say about neuropathy of her feet after cancer treatment: " , . , . ! !! , , , -- ...." This is one of our success stories at Veritas Homeopathy.It has been an honour and pleasure of helping them recover and regain their lives back! If these results are what you would like please send me a PM if you are interested!

Veritas Homeopathy 14.03.2020

Proud Mama moment! My daughter Sarah is in 2nd year Nursing @ U of S, just finished "clinical". Sarah is 4th from right and second from right. So proud of you my girl!! You're an amazing young woman!!

Veritas Homeopathy 11.03.2020

The Heat is on!! Top 10 remedies to BEAT the Summer HEAT! Prevention is always the best medicine, so in the scorching heat, here are some tips to keep cool Find cool shade Drink lots of water... Don't exert yourself Keep your blood sugar stable. Don't forget sunscreen For symptoms of true heat stroke (headache, fever, delirium) or heat exhaustion (collapse, and cold sweat) get medical care immediately. When needed however, remedies are a great way to manage symptoms and help you stay safe! HEADACHES CAUSED BY THE SUN SUN HEADACHES BELLADONNA : For headaches that develop suddenly after falling asleep in the sun. Belladonna will help those headaches that are throbbing in nature, think a thousand hammers going off in your head. You will have a red face and cold hands and feet. GLONINE A most valuable remedy for effects of sun- stroke, great remedy for congestive headaches. HEAT EXHAUSTION Summer heat can add a lot extra strain on the body. When you feel weak in the sun consider: CARBO VEGETABILIS : For exhaustion and fainting. Those needing it will want to be constantly fanned VERATRUM ALBUM : When symptoms lean toward heat exhaustion, the skin becomes uncannily cold and covered in sweat, combined with intense weakness and collapse. Although not an alternative to going to the hospital, this remedy will help manage symptoms. NATRUM CARB: Best remedy for after effect & chronic effect of Sunstroke. Great debility, unable to think confusion after summer heat. MUSCLE CRAMPS Muscle cramps are particularly common in the summer heat when minerals are lost through sweating and its hard to keep fluid intake high enough when physically active. This remedy is sure to keep you moving and able to enjoy the sun: CUPRUM METALLICUM : absolute best for excruciating muscle cramps or MAGNESIUM MAGNESIUM PHOSPHORICUM / MAG PHOS tissue salt in 6x FOR SUNBURNS SUNSCREEN is a MUST and avoiding heat from 10am-3pm would be ideal as it is the hottest part of the day. If you do get a sunburn try: CANTHARIS : is best choice for burns that blister or for skin close to blistering. URTICARIA URENS : for lighter burns when itching and burning becomes intolerable. CALENDULA CREAM is also cooling and soothing for burns. SWIMMERS EAR Swimmer's ear is common in children and adults who love to cool in the pool. The ear hurts, although there is no apparent illness. HEPAR SULPH: When earache is accompanied by a foul-smelling discharge, Mercurius Vivus is also helpful. DOSAGES Choose the best matching remedy in a 30ch potency, dissolving 3-5 pills on the tongue every 2-4 hours for 3 doses. Homeopathic remedies must be stopped as soon as symptoms improve. If symptoms return, continue the remedy for up to three days. Final Note: use common sense when in doubt, seek medical advice.

Veritas Homeopathy 04.03.2020

Are you DREADING getting up in the morning?? Because you are ... FEELING RUN DOWN?... EXHAUSTED? IRRITABLE? FEELING ENERGY SLUMP THROUGHOUT THE DAY? NEEDING TO BOOST YOUR IMMUNITY? If so, you are NOT alone... Imagine how much easier it would be to get out of bed every morning if you didn't feel drained, dreading the thoughts of going to work / not enough energy to get through your day without a nap!!! (If you are able to have a nap!) Modern lifestyles drain even the most health-conscious of us, with our depleted soils, processed foods and eating on the run, your body is no longer receiving all that your cells require for optimum health. Also consider that you lose minerals through stress, electro-pollution (from cell phones, microwaves, computers), let us not forget environmental toxins such as pesticides and herbicides as well as exposure to heavy metals as lead, aluminium and contaminated drinking water. Lack of salt in the cells arises from stress, a poor diet, bacteria, viruses, pollution, injurycan cause a blockage in the cells regulation. It's no wonder our bodies are suffering! That’s why I'm SO excited to introduce you to SCHLEUSSER TISSUE SALTS which brings the healing process into motion. There's 12 of them. They're made homeopathically and are optimized microcosms of the minerals your body needs to repair itself. They're EASY to take, they dissolve in mouth and enter the blood stream immediately, making them so effective, generally suitable for everyone from babies to diabetics and even pets. I use these tissue salts in my practice as an adjunct to homeopathic remedies and I call them "MY NATURAL BODY BUILDERS"! Number 1: Calc fluor - Tissue elasticity restorer Number 2: Calc phos - Cell restorer Number 3: Calc sulf - Blood purifier, purulent agent Number 4: Ferr phos - Anti-inflammatory Number 5: Kali mur - Detoxifying agent Number 6: Kali phos - Nerve and brain cell agent Number 7: Kali sulf - Metabolism, pancreas conditioner Number 8: Mag phos - Pain and cramp killer Number 9: Nat mur - Water distributor Number 10: Nat phos - Acidity neutraliser Number 11: Nat sulf - Liver cleanser Number 12: Silicea - Skin and connective tissue conditioner With the use of tissue salts, the body is REENERGIZED and is able to fight off viruses because each cell is now STRONGER ! PM me to arrange a tissue salt consultation! Got questions? Just ask! Or comment below if you have used them!

Veritas Homeopathy 16.02.2020


Veritas Homeopathy 27.01.2020

Another SUCCESS story to share for the WIN!! ACE your MENOPAUSE and BEYOND with HOMEOPATHY!!

Veritas Homeopathy 20.01.2020

DO Stop BELIEVIN' Top 10 WOMEN'S HEALTH MYTHS Here are the facts about health issues and other women’s health myths we should all stop believing. 1. CRANBERRY JUICE CAN PREVENT OR CURE URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS (UTIs)....Continue reading

Veritas Homeopathy 15.01.2020

Healthful food!