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Vici Fitness 08.02.2021

14 Day Challenge sign up is live! If you are looking to lose some weight and create healthier habits, DM me or comment below!14 Day Challenge sign up is live! If you are looking to lose some weight and create healthier habits, DM me or comment below!

Vici Fitness 26.01.2021

5 SQUAT MISTAKES YOU'RE MAKING RIGHT NOW! Ah yes, the squat. In my opinion, the ultimate lift. Better then the bench press, better than a deadlift, and better than curls (obviously). I love squats not only for the amazing movement they are, and what they can do for you, but also because they are the perfect analogy for life.... "When something heavy brings you down, you have to stand back up!" However as a coach and trainer, I notice quite a few mistakes people (and not just beginners) make while squatting. #1 NOT GOING LOW ENOUGH This is probably my biggest pet peeve when it comes to a squat. If you are not squatting past parallel, you are doing yourself a huge disservice. Not only does squatting above parallel not allow for better strength and size gains, but it will also put you at a higher risk of knee injury. The reason why is the force of the barbell won't shift onto your hips until you reach parallel. #2 KNEES COLLAPSING I have seen a few coaches out there advocate for knees collapsing in on squats. They claim that if done properly, it can activate the glutes better than a regular squat. Which is true... but how often do you get someone doing exactly what they should be from just reading/watching an instagram post? As well, there is a cap on how much resistance you can load because of the vulenrable positioning. (In other words, don't do it) DO NOT LET YOUR KNEES COLLAPSE! It puts more stress on the knees and damages the ligaments. #3 LIFTING YOUR HEELS OFF THE FLOOR Are you a heel lifter? If you are, then you better mobility. Tight ankles could be limiting your squat form. As well, if you lift your heels it shifts the weight forward, again stressing the knees. Drive through your heels, and reap the rewards. #4 ROUNDING YOUR LOWER BACK ALWAYS MAINTAIN A FLAT, NEUTRAL SPINE! If you round your lower back in a squat, you are putting a lot of stress on your lumbar spine. You don't need to be an expert to realize that is bad. This is also known as the butt wink. If you notice you are winking your butt at the bottom of your squat, you need to stretch and do mobility for your hips/hamstrings/glutes/and quads. #5 NOT USING YOUR GLUTES Your glutes are the strongest muscle in your lower body. And who doesn't want a better shaped butt? As you are driving from the bottom, imagine you are spreading the ground apart with your feet. This will help activate your glutes and increase your strength for your squat. Doing glute warm-ups before squatting is also a great way of activating them to help more! So there you have it, a couple of my pet peeves when I see people squat. Now you know, so get out there and SQUAT PROPERLY!

Vici Fitness 08.01.2021

Whether your goal is losing weight or gaining weight, everyone's goal should be include gaining more muscle mass. Not only does gaining muscle allow you to become stronger and obviously gain weight, but it helps you lose weight as well! Having more muscle mass means a higher BMR. (Basal metabolic rate) ... BMR is used to measure how many calories your body requires at rest to operate functionally. That means the more muscle you have, the more fat you hypothetically can burn. (More on this in later posts) Awesome right? But how does one go around gaining more muscle mass? Well it's actually pretty simple! 1. Weight training/resistance training Doing resistance training is the obvious #1 tip to gaining more muscle. When you resistance train, you tear muscle fibres. When you recover, those muscle fibres grow back stronger and bigger. 2. Adequate caloric intake Eating the proper amount of calories is extremely important to gaining muscle. You won't be gaining any muscle if you're eating 1500 calories a day, when your BMR tells you to eat 2000! You need to be in a slight surplus to of your BMR to gain muscle! 3. Adequate recovery Recovery is overlooked these days. I'm not just talking about no rest days from resistance training either. Many people are not allowing themselves adequate resta between sets in the gym. And most importantly, people are not sleeping enough! If you want to build muscle you need to recover well, and sleep is one of the best ways to do so! So there it is, 3 easy tips on gaining more muscle mass! Remember, gaining muscle is a marathon not a sprint. It will take time, but it will be worth it!

Vici Fitness 06.01.2021

This is a genuine smile. My smile is no longer a fake one. It isn't hiding pain. It isn't hiding the thought of me wanting to off myself everyday for years. It isn't hiding my anxiety and depression. It isn't hiding see self hatred and body dysmorphia. But it could be a fake smile.... I was extremely lucky to not be another statistic. I was extremely lucky I was able to afford private therapy. I was lucky to have support. And that is why I am doing Movemeber. Because there are thousands, if not millions who need support. There are many who aren't as lucky as I was. Please join me in my cause and donate however much you can. At the end of the month I will be doing a pushup for every dollar donated. Along side @walteratyourservice, I will also be hosting a fitness seminar. And finally I will be coaching Walter through his 10k calorie challenge. Please support us and this amazing charity. DM me for a link. #fitnessaddicts #strongaf #swoleisthegoal #liftingheavy #liftheavythings #bodybuildingguys #fitfreak #fitfam #fitnesslove #fitnessforlife #fitgram #selfloveclub #vicitraining #vicifitness #athleticperformance #fitnessjourney #torontofitness #gymaddicted #fitnessoutfit #selfcaredays #positivemindset #manifestyourreality #fitnessmindset #fuelyourambition

Vici Fitness 27.12.2020

How to get after your goal! Whenever you're trying to achieve something, the best way to get it done is by planning and sticking to a routine. I always set up my week in a Sunday as it is typically a day off from work (aside from programming for clients and just regular chores).... I prep most of my food during the morning and write out everything I need to get done for the week. I make sure I set aside time to get what needs to be done, done. As well, I also schedule off time in my day for relaxing so I don't burn out (even just 20 minutes). I actually schedule my time off just like I would schedule a client. I don't just plan for the day, I like planning hour by hour as it works best for me. So plan and schedule so you can follow a routine, and the success will follow! @sameshanedifferentday #fitnessaddicts #strongaf #swoleisthegoal #liftingheavy #liftheavythings #bodybuildingguys #fitfreak #fitfam #fitnesslove #fitnessforlife #fitgram #selfloveclub #vicitraining #vicifitness #athleticperformance #fitnessjourney #torontofitness #gymaddicted #fitnessoutfit #selfcaredays #positivemindset #manifestyourreality #fitnessmindset #fuelyourambition