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OVMA I Matter 02.07.2021

If you suffer from chronic anxiety and worry, chances are you look at the world in ways that make it seem more threatening than it really is. For example, you may overestimate the possibility that things will turn out badly, jump immediately to worst-case scenarios, or treat every anxious thought as if it were fact. You may also discredit your own ability to handle life’s problems, assuming you’ll fall apart at the first sign of trouble. These types of thoughts, known as co...gnitive distortions, need to be challenged and include: All-or-nothing thinking If everything is not perfect, I’m a total failure. Overgeneralization I didn’t get hired for the job. I’ll never get any job. Focusing on the negatives while filtering out the positives. Noticing the one thing that went wrong, rather than all the things that went right. I got the last question on the test wrong. I’m an idiot. Coming up with reasons why positive events don’t count. I did well on the presentation, but that was just dumb luck. Making negative interpretations without actual evidence. You act like a mind reader: I can tell she secretly hates me. Expecting the worst-case scenario to happen. The pilot said we’re in for some turbulence. The plane’s going to crash! Believing that the way you feel reflects reality. I feel like such a fool. Everyone must be laughing at me. Holding yourself to a strict list of what you should and shouldn’t do and beating yourself up if you break any of the rules. I should never have tried starting a conversation with her. I’m such a moron. Labeling yourself based on mistakes and perceived shortcomings. I’m a failure; I’m boring; I deserve to be alone. Assuming responsibility for things that are outside your control. It’s my fault my son got in an accident. I should have warned him to drive carefully in the rain. The next time you think these things, be sure to challenge your thinking and separate fact from fiction. . . Adapted from Help Guide #ovmaimatter #worrying #anxiety #allornothing #challengeit #veterinarians #dogter #vetmed #vetstudent #mentalwellness #vettechlife

OVMA I Matter 12.06.2021

Sometimes we get too caught up worrying whether others like us and forget about the relationship we have with ourselves. Next time, you find yourself trying to be liked, look inward and be sure you are giving some love and compassion to yourself first. Start with some of the following tips: Say no when you need to. Boundaries are an essential form of self-care because they let others know that you deserve and expect respect. ... Don’t compare yourself to others. Others aren’t better or worse, more or less than you; They’re just different. You have value just as you are and accepting yourself means there’s no need for comparisons. Be truly present. Our lives are full of distractions. Many of these things are fun and worthwhile, but they can be draining and keep us from truly knowing and being ourselves. Know and use your strengths. We all have tremendous gifts, but many of them go unnoticed. When you’re busy and distracted it’s hard to access these great qualities. Focusing on your strengths will increase your positive feelings for yourself. Let yourself off the hook for your mistakes and imperfections. You’re hard on yourself. You’re probably harder on yourself than anybody else. Cut yourself some slack and embrace your humanness. Mistakes are normal, allow us to learn and grow. Imperfections are part of what makes you you. Accept that some people won’t like you. That’s right, some people don’t like you and that’s okay. Don’t waste your time trying to please people who are impossible to please or people who just aren’t that important to you. Being yourself means you have to give up your people-pleasing ways and embrace your authentic self. . . . Adapted from Live Well #ovma #imatter #perfectionism #peoplepleaser #selflove #selfcompassion #failforward #vetmedlife #vetstudentlife #mentalhealth #vettech #comparisonisthethiefofjoy #vetclinic #strengths #bepresent #mindfulness

OVMA I Matter 06.06.2021

In the book, The Happiness Trap, Russ Harris describes 4 myths around happiness. Myth 1: Happiness is the natural state for all human beings We live in a world where we are told we are supposed to be happy. The reality for many is that 1 in 10 adults will attempt suicide (even higher in the vet profession), 1 in 5 will experience depression and there is a 30% probability that any individual may experience a psychiatric disorder in their life at some point. Add to this lonelin...ess, work stress and relationship issues and we see that finding happiness is not a given. Myth 2: If you’re not happy you’re defective If we believe this myth when we have painful thoughts or feelings we will often criticize ourselves for being weak, stupid or a failure. Russ Harris goes into detail to explain that our mind has not evolved to be happy but to survive. The brain is a ‘don’t get killed mechanism’ designed to ensure we pass on our DNA. Myth 3: To create a better life, we must get rid of negative feelings Russ Harris says that if we believe this myth we are in big trouble as it is almost impossible to create a better life if we are not prepared to have some uncomfortable feelings. What matters is not creating a life where we never experience unpleasant emotions, but having the tools to handle such feelings when they inevitably arise. Myth 4: You should be able to control what you think and feel Push away a negative thought, anger, sadness guilt, loneliness, or any other difficult emotion, without acknowledging, listening and bringing kindness to it and it will only fight back and get stronger. Our minds took 100,000 years to evolve to be a ‘don’t get killed’ mechanism that is primed to look for danger and focus on risk. . . . #ovmaimatter #happiness #veterinarian #mythbusters #mythsabouthappiness #feelings #emotions #emotionalwellbeing #mentalhealth #depression #pain #vetmedlife #vetstudentlife #vettechlife #vetteams #anxiety

OVMA I Matter 29.05.2021

We get anxious about what others think about us. And all it does is make us judge ourselves more harshly. It makes us feel apologetic for being ourselves. It makes us live according to our perception of other people’s standards. How do we overcome this challenge? Know to stay in your own business.... What others do is their business. What your neighbour thinks of you is his business. What time your co-worker comes into work is her business. You only have one business to concern yourself withyours. What you think and what you do are the only things you can control in life. That’s it. Know that you have full ownership over your feelings. When we base our feelings on other people’s opinions, we are allowing them to control our lives. To change how other people’s actions make you feel, you only need to change a thought. This step sometimes takes a bit of work because our thoughts are usually automatic or even on the unconscious level, so it may take some digging to figure out what thought is causing your emotion. Know that you are doing your best. How much of your life have you spent kicking yourself because you thought you said something dumb? Or because you showed up late? Or that you looked weird? Every time, you did the best you could. Every. Single. Time. Know that everyone makes mistakes. We live in a culture where we don’t often talk about how we feel. It turns out we all experience the same feelings, and we all make mistakes. The only productive thing you can do with your mistakes is to learn from them. Once you figure out the lesson you can take from the experience, rumination is not at all necessary and it’s time to move on. . . . . adapted from Psychology Today #imatter #ovma #vetmedlife #vetstudentlife #vettechlife #vetteams #anxiety #mindyourownbusiness #doingyourbest #lessonslearned #mistakeshappen #mentalhealth #wellness

OVMA I Matter 16.05.2021

This Mental Health Week focuses on understanding our emotions. Recognizing, labeling and accepting our feelings are all part of protecting and promoting good mental health for everyone. 1 in 5 Canadians experiences mental illness or a mental health issue in any given year, but 5 in 5 of us that’s all of us has mental health.... Let's start to understand what this means.... Emotional literacy is the ability to recognize how we feel, understand our feelings, label them and express them. When we are emotionally literate, we are better able to manage our emotions, or regulate them. Although we feel our emotions in the body and may recognize they are there, sometimes our emotions can be hard to put into words. An event can trigger emotions very quickly, automatically, and even unconsciously. Emotional events can trigger changes in our facial expressions, muscle tone, and voice tone, in our autonomic nervous system that regulates our heart and respiratory rate, digestion, perspiration, and in our endocrine system, which involves our hormones. Scientists call the act of putting feelings into words affect labelling. Saying I feel sad or writing about what’s upsetting you are both examples of affect labelling. When we put our feelings into words, we are actually constructing and making meaning of our emotions. Without words for emotions, our feelings might seem unclear to us. Affect labelling has been compared to the effect of hitting the brakes when driving a car. When you put feelings into words, you are putting the brakes on your emotional responses. When people put their feelings and thoughts about upsetting experiences into language, their physical and mental health often improve. Writing about our feelings can reduce physician visits and positively influence our immune function. Writing can also reduce cortisol (stress) levels and negative mood states. . . . . . #ovmaimatter #getreal #mentalhealthweek #veterinarians #dogtors #vetteams #vetstudent #vetmedlife #wellbeing #mentalwellness #vetclinic

OVMA I Matter 06.05.2021

It’s National Superhero Day so of course it’s necessary to recognize all of you in the veterinary profession. You may not wear capes (but if you do, that’s okay too) but you care for pets and animals every day giving it your all and helping patients and clients. With that said, it’s also important to note that you need rest too. What are you doing to ensure you can recharge before you put on your scrubs/cape each day? Being stressed can take a toll on your body, even if yo...u don’t have a very physical job. You can help recharge your body with the following activities: Take a warm bath A warm bath can be relaxing. Try using Epsom salt in your bath. Epsom salt contains chemicals that are believed to remove toxins, improve muscle function, and reduce inflammation linked to stress. Change your diet Your energy levels are greatly impacted by your diet. Experts recommend a mix of complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains and starchy vegetables, with lean proteins and healthy fat at each meal. It’s possible to cook and eat nutritious meals, even if you have a busy schedule. If you need some help or inspiration, try looking at online resources, or find a registered dietitian. Stretch A stressed, exhausted body is more prone to injury than one that’s relaxed and healthy. You can help recharge by stretching your muscles for just five minutes every few days. Exercise Instead of sitting down to recharge, try getting up and moving around. Walking or biking even just for 20 minutes can leave you feeling energized for hours. Get more sleep Sleep is the ultimate body recharger. Experts recommend seven to nine hours of sleep per night for healthy adults ages 26 to 64. Getting fewer than six hours of sleep per night is a major risk factor for burnout at work. . . . . #imatter #ovma #veterinarian #vetteams #vetstudent #vetmedlife #wellness #wellbeing #mentalheatlh #superhero #nationalsuperheroday #superheroeswearscrubs

OVMA I Matter 16.01.2021

When you’re around people frequently (socially distanced and masked, at the moment), it can be easy to start feeling the negativity off of someone else. Instead of letting it suck you in, consider the following: 1.Take responsibility for your situation, knowing that you are the only one you can trust to initiate changes that will lead to a solution. 2. Work on recognizing negative thoughts as they occur and stop them in their tracks. Replace each one with a more positive t...hought. This will take practice, and it will take time to get good at this, but you can do it. You can also visualize a negative thought as a picture drawn on a sheet of glass. Break the glass and throw away the shards. 3. Learn to meditate (there are some great apps like Headspace and Calm) to help improve your mindset. This will help you fend off negative thoughts and feelings brought on by someone else. . . . Adapted from Buddha Minds #ovmaimatter #veterinary #veterinarian #negativity #meditation #powerofthemind #visualization #wellbeing #wellness #bluemonday #dogtor #vetmed #vetlife#vettech #vetteam #veterinaryclinic #wellbeing #selfcare #vettechlife #vetsofinstagram #vetstudentsofinstagram

OVMA I Matter 09.01.2021

A couple of facts for you: People make it through 100 percent of their bad days. You've made it through 100 percent of your bad days. There are resources to help you so there's no need to try to get through it alone. Speak to friends, colleagues, family or do a quick online search for mental health services in your area. For OVMA members (including Ontario veterinary students who are members), you have access to the member assistance program 24/7 as part of your membership. ...For more information, go to ovma.org, click on Veterinarians then Your Well-being, then Member Assistance Program. . . . . . #ovmaimatter #imatter #veterinarian #veterinary #mentalwellness #wellbeing #wellness #dogtor #vetmed #vetlife#vettech #vetteam #veterinaryclinic #wellbeing #selfcare #vettechlife #vetsofinstagram #vetstudentsofinstagram #depression #anxiety #suicideprevention #stormydays #horsesofinstagram #horses #loneliness . See more

OVMA I Matter 06.01.2021

The origins of Blue Monday may well be a debunked theory and a PR industry creation. Its creator, Dr Cliff Arnall - a self-styled freelance ‘Happiness Guru’, devised the anti-celebration of doom and gloom as a ‘thing’ for the third Monday in January on behalf of Sky Travel in 2005. He delivered an equation taking in factors such as seasonal weather, debt and work/life balance. Cliff Arnall has since admitted that it is meaningless: "This claim is incorrect. It is unscientifi...c. It is pseudoscientific. It is uber-pseudoscientific," With that said, seasonal affective disorder (SAD) often referred to as "winter blues or seasonal depression, is very real. Some tips to help those affected by the long, dark days include the following: Avoid alcohol, and be aware of your caffeine intake. Both alcohol and caffeine can affect your sleep and make you feel groggy and grumpy. On the other hand, make sure you’re drinking enough water. Increase physical activities or exercise prior to typical SAD months. Physical activity relieves stress, depression, and increases your energy, combatting the majority of the SAD symptoms. Re-arrange your space to maximize exposure to sunlight throughout the workday. Try to keep the curtains open during the day and position yourself to face natural light where possible. Resist the urge to eat unhealthy sugary or high carbohydrate foods. Although often craved when experiencing SAD symptoms, this can increase depression and weight gain, further increasing SAD symptoms. Take vitamin D supplements or eat foods high in vitamin D, such as cow’s milk, soy or rice beverages, orange juice, salmon, eggs, or fortified yogurts. *speak to your doctor prior to taking any supplements Try to spend more time outdoors during the day. Spending time outside for 30 minutes can help your body absorb enough vitamin D to help improve overall mood. . . Adapted from the Data and Marketing Association #ovmaimatter #veterinary #veterinarian #winterblues #SAD #wellbeing #wellness #bluemonday #dogtor #vetmed #vetlife#vettech #vetteam #veterinaryclinic #wellbeing #selfcare #vettechlife #vetsofinstagram #vetstudentsofinstagram

OVMA I Matter 21.12.2020

The next time you need a little inspiration or motivation, look no further than your feline companion. Here are 6 things cats teach us: 1. Get Plenty of Rest... There's a reason a short snooze in the middle of the day is called a cat nap. Take a page out of a cat's book and make sure you always get enough sleep. 2. Spend Time Soaking Up the Sun Your cat probably loves to sit in a sunny window to bask in the warm light. Get inspired by your pet and go outside to soak up some vitamin D! Just be sure to wear plenty of sunscreen. 3. Don't Sweat the Small Stuff Your cat knows how to live in the moment and enjoy all the little wonders of the world. You can apply this motto to your own life by trying to just go with the flow -- whenever possible. There's no sense in worrying about minute things that won't matter in the long run! 4. Stretch Regularly If you want to stay as limber and flexible as your cat, you should stretch on a daily basis. You could even try taking a yoga class! 5. Don't Lose Your Playful Energy Even adult cats enjoy acting like frisky, energetic kittens every now and then. And they've got the right idea! After all, a playful spirit can help keep you feeling young and fit throughout your life. 6. Don't Get Discouraged The next time you get knocked down in life, follow your cat's example and get right back up on your feet. Everyone makes mistakes, but it's important that you don't let them prevent you from future successes. . . . Adapted from care.com #ovmaimatter #veterinary #veterinarian #felinelessons #dontsweatthesmallstuff #wellbeing #wellness #dogtor #vetmed #vetlife#vettech #vetteam #veterinaryclinic #wellbeing #selfcare #vettechlife #vetsofinstagram #vetstudentsofinstagram

OVMA I Matter 11.12.2020

How do you minimize conflict escalation? 1.Be Specific What Exactly Do You Want? It’s the process of understanding and articulating your specific needs. Remember, most conflicts arise from an unmet need or expectation. For example, You want your partner to do X. He/she doesn’t understand. You get upset.... Be specific about what you want: State exactly what you want, when, how much, and under what kind of circumstances. Describe the behaviour you want. General: I want you to respect me when we’re out with friends (too vague) Be specific: I want you to ask for my opinion more when we’re out with friends (specific) The same goes for a colleague you’re annoyed because they’re micromanaging. Try to give a specific example of what you mean. What do you want them to do less or more of? 2. Have Examples Ready Now that you know what you want, it’s important to provide specific examples to back up your claim. Oftentimes we’re stuck in our story, in our interpretation of reality. Gathering evidence is a way to ‘check in’ with what is actually happening. This requires you to observe your partner or colleaugue (and yourself), to take ‘notes’ and pay attention to how they’re actually behaving (and not the story you have in your head). If you don’t have specific examples then the argument will go like this: Partner A: You don’t respect me Partner B: Yes I do. *end of discussion* Oftentimes, we claim that our partner doesn’t do X, but when we observe them in real time we may see that it’s not true at all. That we created a story in our heads. And now it’s possible to really address the issue, without your story getting in the way. . . . Adapted from Medium #ovmaimatter #veterinary #veterinarian #conflictresolution #mentalwellness #wellbeing #wellness #dogtor #vetmed #vetlife#vettech #vetteam #veterinaryclinic #wellbeing #selfcare #vettechlife #vetsofinstagram #vetstudentsofinstagram

OVMA I Matter 02.12.2020

You never know what is behind the mask, the smile, the eyes. You never know what someone is going through. You might be that person who makes everyone think you're doing fine while you fight a battle inside. Keeping your silence can feel very isolating and it's amazing how much better you can feel when you share it with a close friend or someone you can trust. There's no need to go it alone. No matter what, whether you're the one behind the mask secretly struggling or someon...e who's frustrated/angry/upset with a stranger/acquaintance/friend, be kind to yourself and others. . . . . . . #ovmaimatter #imatter #veterinarian #veterinaryclinic #vetmedlife #vetstudent #vettech #vettechlife #vetstudentlife #wellness #wellbeing #mentalhealth #share #talkaboutit #dontsufferinsilence #bekind #bekindtoyourself See more