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Stepping Stones 01.01.2021

You have to set goals that are almost out of reach. If you set a goal that is attainable without much work or thought, you are stuck with something below your true talent and potential. Steve Garvey

Stepping Stones 14.12.2020

Most of us got through life fearing but rarely giving these fears a second thought as to how these fears show up. Fear or fears belong to the personality or ego and can have such a grip they become part of our identity. The flight or fight response is of our DNA and it is there to alert us that we are about to get eaten by a big old bear or something. The trouble is that our brains cannot differentiate between that and the stress and anxiety that are brought on by all those other fears. Many of them are taught or learned. Most of them stay for life because of our unawareness. Read the full article: https://www.steppingstoness.com/blog/the-many-faces-of-fear

Stepping Stones 10.12.2020

Character is not about how you act in public. It is about how you act period. What you do in private matters

Stepping Stones 29.11.2020

Everything that happens to you is either an opportunity to grow or an obstacle to keep you from growing. You get to choose! Dr Wayne Dyer

Stepping Stones 13.11.2020

Four words you will rarely - and I do mean rarely, hear me say are, I’m not ready yet. My sisters and I were raised without that language ever surfacing. However, these four little words are words I hear so often, particularly in my Coaching practice as well as in other business I am involved in. And if truth be told, it makes me nuts because it represents either diversion or lack of commitment. I don’t mean to sound harsh or judgemental about this so let me break it dow...n. I’ve come to understand that the words I’m not ready usually mean ‘I don’t want to and that sentiment is often driven by fear. Fear of making a mistake, or being judged, looking goofy, non confidence in the decision, second guessing and so on and so on. It’s almost always comes from a place of fear which takes the form of resistance. I get there are times and situations where you really aren’t prepared. But it’s when I hear it repeatedly in the same situation over an extended period of time that I know there is a block. The word yet"? . That usually means someday. Let me borrow from Dr. Phil for a second. "Someday isn’t a day of the week." So my question is, if not now, then when? Look, everyone has moments of doubt. That is human nature, Just know it can be overcome. So next time you hear yourself about to say I’m not ready yet, or something similar, take a breath and let’s talk about it so we can move you from the fear into positive action. See more

Stepping Stones 03.11.2020

What is Transformational Coaching Anyway? The question I get asked most often is What is this Coaching stuff all about anyway?. Add the word Transformational and it often is met with Huh? So, I thought now is the perfect time to answer that question. Read more; https://lnkd.in/esyNdFa #coaching #transformationalcoaching

Stepping Stones 22.10.2020

Are you on your way to or are you a spiritual warrior? Iyanla Vanzant is amazing (as always) in outlining what a spiritual warrior is. I sat in on this last night and was not disappointed. It's bang on the money.https://youtu.be/8VyPGstgxzE

Stepping Stones 09.10.2020

Thoughts are energy and all thoughts create form some level. Taking responsibility for our lives means taking responsibility of our thoughts.

Stepping Stones 21.09.2020

"Nothing you do or think or wish or make is necessary to establish your worth." Marianne Williamson When you become self aware who know who you are beyond the stories you tell yourself. The authentic you comes home and you have nothing to prove. Just be. You are enough

Stepping Stones 09.09.2020

The truth doesn't stop being the truth just because you're not looking at it.

Stepping Stones 23.08.2020

Fear is something we are taught to the point where it becomes the norm. And it can really mess us up. We give meaning to it and meaning is not found out there or in things. Meaning is in us and in the truth. The truth doesn’t stop being the truth just because we stop looking at it. And looking at it is the only way out of the fear. When we start hearing those scary thoughts, take a moment and hen lean away from them. Do not engage with them. Do not give them power over you. I’m not saying to stop exercising appropriate caution or to ignore instinct. I’m saying learn to know the difference and get out of the fear- based thinking

Stepping Stones 21.08.2020

This is one of my favorite quotes because it is a fundamental universal law. "You cannot receive what you are unable to become (vibrationally)" Michael Beckwith. As an example;You cannot receive honest respect if you cannot give it and the reason for that is arrogance. It's as simple as that

Stepping Stones 08.08.2020

We are not born with fear. Fear is what we have learned. We are taught to fear (which is different from caution). Doing the inner work is the unlearning of fear. It is the relearning of acceptance of and the learning of who we really are versus the stories we tell ourselves which become limiting beliefs. When we hang on to these limiting beliefs , our energy gets stuck and growth is not possible and the real authentic you gets overshadowed and often lost. You are so much more than the beliefs that hold you back.

Stepping Stones 27.07.2020

Healing thougts

Stepping Stones 22.07.2020

it doesn't matter if we are strangers. We are all part of the fibre of the universe. Caring matters.

Stepping Stones 05.07.2020

The Coronavirus has disrupted just about everything. At the same time it is shone a floodlight on some things crying for attention such as or disregard for the planet that sustains us, the constant need for more, more, more that how disconnected and disassociated we have become. The good news is that by staying in things are getting cleaned up little by little and so many people are using this medium to constructively connect until we can once again greet each other physically, The outreach and support is quite incredible and far outweighs those few idiots that continue to disregard what is going on. My sincerest wish is that this connection and caring continues when the the virus is finally over

Stepping Stones 01.07.2020

I think one of the things were are being reminded of right now is how important connection is -and how important it is to not judge yourself (or others). One of my mentors - Gary Hanson - posted this quote this morning I'd like to share it with you Jiddu Krishnamurti was an Indian speaker and writer on philosophical and spiritual subjects, who offered wise advice on how to live. "The highest form of human intelligence is to observe yourself without judgement."... To observe yourself without judgement is to separate yourself from your thoughts, and in doing so you quiet the mind because you no longer react to every troubled thought you have--you're simply observing like a spectator. It's enlightening and empowering but it takes a little practice and builds like a muscle over time.

Stepping Stones 15.06.2020

There is lot of bad and scary news about Corona-19 coming at us every day especially through the media. But there is also a lot of good things happening as we find new ways to support and connect, So I encourage everyone to just take a a step back and re-asses. Ask yourself "How can I do things differently while adhering to safety measures? Be inventive. Re- frame especially if you are in business. Technology offers a lot. Believe me I know it's hard but you can do it. If you need some help let me know and I'll send you resources or information to help you. Love to all. That is something that we all can use.

Stepping Stones 10.06.2020

Our thoughts and what we focus on ultimately determines our actions along with result. Many of us live in fear and negativity. So what do you do hen a negative thought comes up. Acknowledge it in a neutral manner, don’t let it take over then gently set it aside and choose a different thought--one that will move and empower you. We can be a victor or a victim of our minds. Which do you choose

Stepping Stones 21.05.2020

All that’s going on around us has affected everyone in one-way or another and my heart goes out to all. To be honest, I have experienced some days feeling extremely optimistic, and others completely frustrated just like most of you. But what I know for sure is that some of the changes we are experiencing will last. My hope is that the efforts many are putting in to stay connected and lend their support is one of the things that continues. My question is who will you choose to be after all of this is done. I’d love to hear from you and please be as detailed as possible. You can respond here or email me at [email protected] We're all in this together. If you need any prayer or support, I am here for you! Many blessings, Coach Ellen

Stepping Stones 02.05.2020

Changing Fear Fear. Everybody has them whether it is fear of spiders, or fear of something else. We all got them and their pretty strong suckers. They can paralyze us. Here is a tip on changing your fear into something different. What we know is that what you focus on and how you think about it tends to take shape or stop you cold. So what if we changed the focus? Imagine that you're so powerful that you can anticipate your reaction and change it! You know what it is and ...what triggers it so let’s change the story. For example: let’s say you are terrified of going for that interview. You know it’s irrational but all that is going through your mind is OMG, I look all-wrong hell I am all wrong! I’m not ready and I’m going to sound stupid! Let’s change this to. I’m so ready for this. I look great. I’m totally prepared and I’m going to give it my best. They asked me to be here so I clearly have something they like. You can do this. The nerves may still be there to some degree but by changing the inner talk and vision to something more positive you can get a grip on those nerves. Try it! Coach Ellen See more

Stepping Stones 17.04.2020

There are two types of pain you will go through in life: the pain of discipline and the pain of regret. Discipline weight ounces while regret weight tons... Jim Rohn

Stepping Stones 02.04.2020

"If you fuel your journey on the opinions of others, you are going to run out of gas."Steve Mar aboli Do you spend a whole lot of time worrying about what other people think even if we know that what they say isn’t true for you? Don’t give away your power by adjusting to their story. If your dreams and goals are right for you, and bring value, don’t adjust just to get approval. Stand in your integrity. You’ll be glad you did

Stepping Stones 28.03.2020

Love this quote about living your life

Stepping Stones 24.03.2020

Love this quote on Living Life Large

Stepping Stones 13.03.2020

Gratitude is a currency we can mint for ourselves, and spend without fear of bankruptcy. Fred De Witt Van Amburgh

Stepping Stones 05.03.2020

Please take a moment to see what I am asking for. Coaching really can transform a life or business. Any support is incredibly appreciated.

Stepping Stones 26.02.2020

Really good series and some surprising insights. Use these as part of your own stepping stone experience.

Stepping Stones 07.02.2020

If you are thinking of quitting your job (and we all do) this article from Michael Hyatt is worth looking at. It's common sense tips that sometimes we can forget. in the heat of the moment. Take the highroad- always

Stepping Stones 24.01.2020

See if you can relate to this. I definitely could

Stepping Stones 05.01.2020

This is the power of one brave girl speaking out

Stepping Stones 22.12.2019

Everything is Figureoutable! Check out this video featuring Marie Forleo. It speaks to me where I live. Beliefs do drive choices and choices can be changed - and everything really is figureoutable. Elza Duarte sent to me and I am passing it forward to you https://youtu.be/kk5NTcwbdBE

Stepping Stones 02.12.2019

For those wanting to learn more about podcasting

Stepping Stones 25.11.2019

See what kind of Leader you are

Stepping Stones 08.11.2019

Time to celebrate! Happy Canada Day 2019

Stepping Stones 28.10.2019

Are you unbreakable?

Stepping Stones 12.10.2019

Something to think about

Stepping Stones 06.10.2019

There is a very talented friend of mine who created and mounted a production a couple of years ago called Choices. I loved it as did I love one particular line, "Choice is Divine. " And it is. It's our God Given right to choose - what I interpret as what having free will means. The choice you make will stem from a fundamental belief and intention. Take a moment, weigh the options, understand your intention behind each one. Is the intention to serve the greater good or to limit? Your decision, your choice. Wich will you choose today? And always remember, like attracts like.

Stepping Stones 25.09.2019

Making vision a reality starts with taking stock of where you are right now. Do an assessment of what’s working and what isn’t? The beginnings of creating a successful future for yourself are to look at what you are hanging on to that doesn’t belong with you any more and then, be very very clear on what you intention for yourself. Have clarity about what you want and also how you define success.

Stepping Stones 14.09.2019

"The distance between you and success isn’t necessarily a yardit’s an inch. But to get that final inch is excruciating. You have to stay committed. DeVon Franklin, Produced by Faith

Stepping Stones 31.08.2019

Are You Listening to Your Life? How many, if we are really honest with ourselves, are truly living a life that has you feeling satisfied, and fulfilled. Think about it. You see it all the time; people working really hard at jobs they either don’t’ like or working for someone who doesn’t recognize their contribution (or care). Or maybe you have all the trapping and toys of success but you know somewhere inside, you just feel flat. There’s that little voice inside us that spe...aks us all the time- but we aren’t listening. It hopes you will but you don’t. And by not listening, you are turning away from what truly calls you, your natural gifts, talents, passions and potentially purpose. This is what awareness and waking up is all about. Every day, your life is speaking to you, telling you exactly where you should be going. It is teaching, telling, and showing you so that you know when to step into something new, when to let go or when to make an important move. So take a moment, be still and listen See more

Stepping Stones 16.08.2019

Have you thought about what you want to achieve in 2019 as well as how you are going make it happen? How far along are you with preparations? Do you have a plan? You can make all the resolutions or set goals like you do every year but if you don’t’ understand and set your intention, well, you might just be pushing that snowball uphill NOW is the time to act to make sure you're ready to rock 'n' roll in the New Year. I have an approach that, although a little different, can help you hit those milestones. If you want to know more, let me know. Let’s start the conversation.

Stepping Stones 03.08.2019

This is a time to raise your spirit and invite joy and peace into your life and the lives of all. Happy Holiday and warmest wishes to all.

Stepping Stones 24.07.2019

It isn’t about the huge big moment . It’s about one significant transformative step at at a time

Stepping Stones 22.07.2019

Exceptional leaders know that transforming a team into a rock solid team means acknowledging and showing respect. It's basic, yet many forget.

Stepping Stones 16.07.2019

Time spent with someone is precious. Give them your full attention. You won't regret it.

Stepping Stones 10.07.2019

What the heck is this thing called manifestation? Is it just hokum? Actually it isn’t; just as it is not metaphysics. It is physics. We are energy,. Our thoughts are energy. And what happens to energy when it’s rate or frequency changes. It becomes mass. So what does this mean to you and me? Well, that old saying of be careful what you ask for holds truth. Just as positive thought grows so does, so does negative. On a conscious level we think we are focused on what we want however, if we open that up we see that often we are reacting to what we really don’ t want or don’t have- and that don’t want is what were are putting out there often unknowingly. So know what you want to create and be very clear, be 100% sure you really want it, make sure your intention is aligned, and be passionate about i

Stepping Stones 23.06.2019

A while back, I did an interview with Ian Crewe (a phenomenal Ballroom dance teacher. The subject matter was self sabotage as it relates to dance, but it applies to anything you do. Check it out. https://youtu.be/2SbqSuh3P84

Stepping Stones 13.06.2019

Your vision is only actionable if you say it out loud. If you keep it to yourself, it will remain a figment of your imagination Find Your Why- Simon Sinek

Stepping Stones 08.06.2019

When a emotional trigger is activated, you are being shown that there is something in you that has been dealt with- healed if you will. Give it space t by taking a moment to see where you feel it in you body. What other times have you felt this. By just doing that much you are gaining awareness of yourself and lessening the intensity. A Coach will help you get to the source and work with you to deal with it and let go what you no longer need to carry.

Stepping Stones 25.05.2019

Self awareness is an essential to moving forward successful in every aspect of your life. It is the inner awareness , the knowing who you are at your core that is the key. Authenticity is powerful and connects you to your purpose as well as living purposefully. This is not a platitude. It is a universal truth.

Stepping Stones 12.05.2019

On a very hot day a nice human offers a small frog a cool drink of water. The frog takes advantage. Originally video shared via Reddit user FootLoosePickleJuice in the following post: https://redd.it/90bu6w

Stepping Stones 30.04.2019

Above all, know that the ego isn't personal. It isn't who you are If you consider ego to be your personal problem- that's just msre ego Eckhart Tolle= A NEw EARTH

Stepping Stones 23.04.2019

Am I really getting what I want out of life? Is there more? Sound familiar? Living your best life means knowing who you are at your core and living authentically. It is always - let me repeat- always about doing the work from the inside out.