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Naditations 19.11.2020

Today's card "Soul" Ahhh yes! It is vital for your well BEing to take care of your soul. You need to take care or your mind, body and soul all equally or you will not be "OK". In life there are different levels of energetically existing as a Human. The more you expand Spiritually the more work you're doing as a Soul. Some people aren't even aware of the greatness and importance that their soul plays in their life. ... That is why energy work, self healing and meditation do not resonate with them. There is no way to understand this for them because they are not "connected" with their Souls. Perhaps another way to say this is that their Souls are numb. Once you understand this concept and the importance of it you need to keep your Soul happy. You must take the time to clear heavy energy and release old experiences that get stuck within. Soul care is so important to make sure you stay physically and mentally healthy. Dis-ease is caused within the body because of stress, poor diet and exposure to toxins. You have the power to clear and choose to be healthy on all levels so that you stay healthy and whole. Today's card is a reminder to take the time to work on your Soul. Heal, clear and find inner balance. Energy work is always the best choice to get yourself on track. There is nothing you can't fix or change if you understand who you are on all levels.

Naditations 05.11.2020

Today's card is "Suffering in Silence" It represents not being able to speak your truth. It's all about not having your thoughts and emotions validated. Often you think or feel you can't speak openly about your true thoughts and emotions for fear of being embarrassed or unheard. You feel on some level that what you truly feel is stupid or unworthy of being said. ... The funny thing is that when you speak openly about your problems and issues and your feelings connected to them they somehow seem a bit better. They don't go away but you feel better on some level because you were heard. You gain a sense of validation for your thoughts, emotions and opinions. It's very important to have a space or a way for yourself to express your truth so that you don't feel unworthy and unimportant. If you don't speak your truth on some level you'll only end up feeling more angry and frustrated in your relationships and experiences. Nothing will change and you will feel increasingly worse. This card is a great reminder for you to be aware of this in your everyday connections with people. Take the time to listen to others and really hear their words. You don't need to fix them or their issues rather than show them that they matter. When it's your turn for validation you will find because of your awareness of others it will come back to you as well.

Naditations 28.10.2020

Yesterday and today we celebrate and honour our ancestors and passed loved Ones. Setting up alters in their honour and welcoming them home to visit. There are many different traditions and ways to celebrate the dead and however you choose (if at all) is beautiful. Their Souls are never far from us and they show us each and every day with their signs and presence that they are close. They love to communicate with us from the other realm and it is up to us to be aware of their... efforts. Today you can honour them and remember them for who and what they represented on this Earth. Tell stories about them and invite them to join in your activities today and tonight. Eat, drink and laugh about the beautiful memories you all shared. There is nothing weird or strange about setting up an alter and honouring your people. You should be proud and happy to do this for them to keep their Souls happy and at peace. They still love you just as they did when they were upon this Earth. This is my alter that I share with you all. It is placed upon my Grandmothers chair that she sat upon as we all gathered around her dining room table countless amounts of time spent enjoying family and celebrating life. Today I welcome her to come visit and once again sit upon her chair.

Naditations 18.10.2020

Today's card "limits" When you've reached your max capacity to manage the world around you and you need to tap out or snap. You're being reminded that limitations are a necessity in every relationship. The more you give to others the more they can and will take from you if you allow it. Today's card is reminding you that in these trying times you must have boundaries and guidelines to harmoniously live by or you will go off the deep end. ... There is nothing wrong with following through with tough love and consequences. It does not make you a mean, unloving person. In fact when people try to take advantage of you and guilt you that is their own unhappiness and a blatant disrespect towards you. It's time for you to take back your power and happiness. It's time for you to put yourself first and love yourself enough to feel respected and honoured as you should. Set up some limits for those around you who need them. This is only teaching them that you are worth more and that they should do the same for themselves. Until someone is pushed to excel they will coast. Until Someone puts their foot down nothing changes. It's your job to manage the "dis function" around you and get things back on track.

Naditations 16.10.2020

Happy Haunting this weekend! Full Moon fever

Naditations 14.10.2020

Testing...testing...anyone here me? Seems to be in working order

Naditations 11.10.2020

Today's card is "Apple" and it's message is all about risks and rewards. It speaks to you about the need to take risks in life in order to see rewards. You cannot expect to be successful unless you are willing to put yourself out there and take chances. You are not being told to be reckless with your decisions on any level but instead calculated and precise. Taking chances is always a gamble but you do have the ability to weigh your odds before you make any decisions. If th...e timing is not quite right you will know it. Don't overthink every detail and step involved. Let your intuition lead you as you move forward and let the doors open for you along the way. They may not be the doors you had in mind originally but they will still be opportunities. Playing life safe is smart but you also need to feel alive and inspired as you do this. It's your job to figure out how you can push yourself out of your comfort zone while at the same time feel safe and provided for. Today you are being reminded of this exciting energy! Don't work more than you live. Make sure you are happy and fulfilled as you sustain yourself in this lifetime

Naditations 09.10.2020

Today's card "Vampire" Oh this is a good card because everyone can relate to it's message. In modern times we can correlate Vampires to actual people who walk around and suck the energy from others. Usually these people are miserable and desperately unhappy with themselves and their own lives. They vibrate at a very low level energetically and so they need to take energy from the more positive around them who vibrate at higher levels. ... These energetic Vampires can turn any situation or experience bad. Their actions and words are always exactly what will trigger or hurt another person in the moment. They are very good at taking peoples light for their own benefit. It's almost like a rush or a fix of energy that gives them power in the moment. The problem is that they continue their negative behaviour because they are never happy or fulfilled. Taking another persons energy is like a rush that leads them to their next victim. The positive energy that they take cannot last because it only feeds their Souls for brief periods of time. It's a horrible cycle that never ends until self-healing and self-love begin. An energy Vampire will continue to deplete others until they themselves understand what they are doing. Perhaps you needed to read this message today because you have been feeling depleted and taken advantage of lately. If someone around you is an energy Vampire you need to be aware of it and you need to block them from taking your energy. You can do this by not letting them upset you and by steering clear of them whenever possible. Don't answer their phone calls or texts, don't spend unnecessary time around them, don't think about them when they are not present. These are ways you take back your energy and your power. (And guilt free btw)

Naditations 04.10.2020

Today's card is "Trick or Treat" It reminds me of when I was a child and life seemed so much easier. Halloween was the best time of the year because it was magical and mystical and fun! I loved running around my old neighborhood with my friends and collecting candy and howling at the moon. Those days seem so long ago and the energy of old connections and friendship very different than they once were. Today I was talking with my daughter about friendships and how they change ...over the years. How the people she views now as her friends will leave and they will grow apart. New people will come along depending where her life takes her and then eventually those people will also fade. This cycle will repeat throughout her life as she changes and ages. Circumstances will change and so will she. Today's card reminds you to treasure the people in your life now and to know that you are connected now for a reason. When friendships change it's "OK" because they need to change and so do you. Do not feel you are not good enough or worthy enough of anyone ever because you truly are! The handful of core people who stick around throughout your time upon this Earth are part of your Soul Family. You have decided to stick around each other throughout all lessons and experiences each of you have. How lucky are you When friendships end or fade it is because lessons are done and change must happen. Do not feel sad because of this because you are amazing and you deserve to level up. Often people hold you back until you let them go...then you really begin to shine!

Naditations 17.09.2020

Ahhh wouldn't this be nice right about now

Naditations 15.09.2020

Today's card is "Gloominous Doom" I love this card because he always pops up to remind us to count our blessings and not our misfortunes. It's very easy to fall into a whoa is me pattern. Your brain can solely focus on all of the negatives in life much more easily than it can on the positives. This creates the snowball effect of being grumpy and complaining constantly instead of trying to stay positive and upbeat. ... This happens to everyone so don't feel bad and don't beat yourself up about it. Instead make the conscious effort to be more positive and happy. Even if you catch yourself mid-complaining it's not too late to shift your words to something lighter. You are being reminded to be more aware of your energy, actions and words. Try to think before you speak and act so that you come across softer and gentler. Every time you accomplish this you make it easier for the next time. Slowly you begin to naturally think positive first negative last. We all need little reminders to be more positive and kind. We all need a little kick in the butt from time to time to suck it up and keep going. It's ok to pout for a while as long as you don't stay in that energy for too long.

Naditations 11.09.2020

Today's card is "cauldron" and it represents the power within that we all possess. Witches used to use their cauldrons to conjure up spells, potions and herbal remedies. This was and is the natural way to heal. Everything we need to heal our physical bodies is already upon this earth. All the plants, flowers, herbs grow upon earth for us Healers to use as medicines. Today you are being reminded of the wholistic, natural way of healing. Modern medicine is brilliant but you need to look at alternative ways to heal yourself. It's always good to use both to balance each other out. Energy work can be very powerful and you may be very surprised at how healing it truly is. Reiki, cranial sacral, visceral, integrated energy therapy, yoga, acupuncture, body talk....the list goes in. All you need is an open mind and the willingness to release and heal.

Naditations 28.08.2020

Today's card is "The Veil" and it symbolizes the future. No one has the ability to see their exact future. You can have visions of what you think or want your future to be but you cannot predict it exactly. This is because of free will and decisions that can alter outcomes in every moment. You can choose to change your mind, actions and words at any point in time. The blindfold symbolizes the future being veiled. You cannot see past the present moment. This is why living in... the moment is key for you. Instead of getting to far ahead of yourself and creating worry and anxiety remember this image. The future is always veiled and out of your control to some degree. You can take steps to create a positive future but you cannot control what happens along the way. Trust your decisions and let the rest fall into place. Make sure you are open minded to changes along the way so that you can adapt as you go. This will help you stay calm and allow you to enjoy life more. At the end of every day things work out exactly as they are supposed to be. Trust this and keep going.

Naditations 11.08.2020

Today's card " Winter" Winter has come a bit earlier than we all wanted and expected. The season itself represents rest, hibernation, stillness. Winter is a time to process and go within to sort through your thoughts, emotions and to decide what you need to work on and what you need to release. Winter is all about slowing down a bit to shift and process growth. ... We have experienced Winter sooner this Season which simply means Mother Nature has decided to slow things down for Us universally. The chaotic energy in the world right now has reached all new highs of insanity. As Humans we do not have the universal awareness because we are simply that, Human. This chaotic energy has tipped the scales of normality and so the Higher energies have stepped in to help us out. We're all being reminded to chill out, rest and nurture our selves, slow down and process the great changes we've all been experiencing universally and individually. It's time to stop and really go within to find answers. Answers that resonate with you and not answers that come from social media, politics, radio and news clips. We are all being asked to rest our busy minds and to use common sense to find some level of balance and normality. Common sense is still an option and free will is still yours for the taking. We are being reminded of just not fall victim to the masses because you are being told to do so. History does repeat so let's not forget that we are still free people living in a free country.

Naditations 31.07.2020

Today's card is " Skull of Flowers ". The message is all about seeing the beauty and the positive in all situations and people. How does the image on this card make you feel when you look at it? Do you see the beautiful flowers and colours first or do you see the greyness of the skull itself? ... It's important to see both and that is what this card represents. You must stretch yourself to look past the image of death and gloom and see the beauty of the flowers and the bright colours all together. There is always something beautiful in every situation, lesson, experience no matter how difficult or heavy it may seem. There is always something good in every person no matter how negative or uncaring they may seem. It's your job to become more aware of this concept throughout your daily life so that you can feel good about all experiences no matter what they are. It is your job to be more positive so that you can rise above negativity and fear. The need for both beauty and beast is everywhere. It reminds us that we are human and that we must strive to be better each day that we exist. This is your message for today and everyday.